Friday, January 11, 2013

A gentleman just is...

This isn't just about geocaching and weird stuff, it's about family too...

I took Sam shopping and to lunch yesterday. We've been in the house all week due to the truck being in the shop and him not feeling well. He's back at a hundred percent now so off we went. After lunch we went to the indoor playground that is on the property of the restaurant we were at and I let him play while I hit up G+.

A bit later a lady and her two daughters came in. After about fifteen minutes one of the daughters started screaming! As the parent of a three year old boy who fights with his sister all the time, I thought Sam had hit her and went to investigate. (I know. But sweet little Sam wouldn't do that!) LOL Live with him for a while.

As it turned out, the child was afraid of heights and didn't realize how high she was until she happened to look down. Her mother coaxed her, her sister tried to get her to come down. Nothing. She was terrified and not moving from the piece of equipment she had a death grip on.

What's a young lady to do when she is in dire peril? Won't someone save her?!?!?

Enter SuperSam!

She was older than Sam but not really bigger. He went to her and asked her if she was okay. He asked if he could help. He then helped her down by hugging her and lowering her to the next platform and then went first and held her hand on each platform helping her along the way until he got her to the bottom. Both feet planted safely on the ground.

As he was going back to play the mother tapped him on the arm and said "You are awesome!". Sam just looked at her and said, quietly, "Yes." As if to say, "Just doing my job ma'am." Then he clapped his hands together and was off to the next adventure.


He is never really going to remember this part of him growing up, not past this week. This is going in my memory as one of his first, best moments. You can try to raise good children and hope that you succeed. But a hero has it in  his heart. They are both made and born.

And a gentleman just is.

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