Sunday, February 17, 2013

Plans Unmade, Snow, Books and more...

A chance to wear the Who scarf!

Yesterday started with a haircut and a run to the grocery store for milk and bread. I hate going at times like this because people are making a French Toast Run. There was a very light snowfall, barely sticking, and Southerners think it's Snowmageddon.  Seriously, snow can seem like the end of the world here, we aren't used to it. A quick pass by the local IGA proved to me that I needed to seek my supplies elsewhere and I was lucky in avoiding the crowds by going to Dollar General and picking up just what I needed. No long conversations and the usual jokes about the snow. Yay!

The local weatherman needs to seek employment elsewhere. The most notable quote from the morning news was "There is absolutely zero chance that we'll have snow." I beg to differ. The light snow stopped by afternoon. Just after sundown it started again and much like the Grinches heart, the snowflakes grew three sizes yesterday evening. We actually got a decent snowfall.

As I said, we the People of Sand and Pine in the Southeastern US aren't exactly used to this. We don't keep the supplies and gear that our fellow countrymen to the North do. But we adapt.

My original plan was to go geocaching today. I have been on lock-down it seems for the past couple of weeks, things have come up. I've been possessed by the spirit of my now deceased Mother-In-Law and have been on a cleaning frenzy. A lot that needed to be done has been done and that makes me happy.

Some of the geocaching actually involved the insane idea of kayaking two miles to a cache in Cheraw State Park. I wanted to clear that particular part of my map. There's only one left in Cheraw proper and four or five in the State Park that I haven't found.

This isn't going to happen today.

Idea for today because +Dawn Hart Jackson put it in my head! When is someone going to make an app or accessory that gives us that smell of books for our digital devices. It's not just the reading of a book that keeps us coming back. There's a thing about that smell of ink and paper that is part of the whole experience. Not to mention the feel of the pages and the beauty of the cover. Something for someone to make money off of, I am sure.

Something else I wanted to do today was the Avenger Series by stargatekrewe. I've heard it's great run and there are many other caches in the area. Oh well! I am sure it will be there for me next week.

But here I am! We've done the snow thing! Pics or it didn't happen.


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