Wednesday, July 31, 2013


I was at the grocery store picking up a few things. I happened to take my change with my from the jar on my desk because I am lazy and don't like to roll change. It's time consuming, change is dirty, I just plain out don't want to do it and other things can be done with my time. I usually get twenty to fifty dollars out of my change jar so yeah, that's groceries. Milk, bread, drinks, etc. Money's money. 

We aren't hard up for money. As a matter of fact when a lot of people around us were failing we were just fine. That's not a brag. We were lucky in that. We still hang in there and do great for all that's going on in the United States right now. Most all of our stuff is paid for, we don't carry a car note (although we may again soon), so we have a house payment, the regular bills, and taxes each year. No more than anyone else has to do. It's not a hardship it's life. But that's not why I'm writing this.

Across from the machine are the little quarter candy machines, you know, gum, hard candy, little cheap knick-knacks your kids are always asking for change for and there's a little guy standing there doing his thing, trying to figure out what he wants. No adults around, so no one to watch how he's acting and he's pondering his choices. Just a little fella, probably eight or so and clean cut, just a face in a sea of faces.

I put the change in a blue bandana instead of carrying my jar. No breakage and I can just fold it and slip it in my pocket. I'm self conscious at that machine. I know that most people think that you're broke and having to use your change to make due and believe it or not, I am not the most self confident guy in the world. I don't know that it's being self conscious or just the way I've been trained but I am constantly aware of most anything going on around me. I know how many people are in my area and what I can do to protect myself or my family. I know who's watching me and who isn't watching there kids. It's just a thing. Anyway...

I take the change and dump it into the hopper and make my selection for the service I want. I always go for the cash. Amazon and B&N cards are awesome choices but I can do the same with cash and pretty much buy what I need. I have the bandana and I'm folding it. It gives me something to do while I wait. I take out my cell and I'm about to check in with you fine folk on G+ when someone taps me on the shoulder. It's the little dude. 

"Here, you can have my quarter. I don't really need it. And you look like could probably use it more."

The Grinch's heart had nothing on mine in that moment except for the fact that mine melted instead of grew. Kids don't really have the concept of money, well, they have the concept but not the love of money that we as adults do. It was his quarter. He hadn't gotten anything from the machines and had nothing in his hand, I had been watching him as well. Apparently he'd been watching me too. Kids do that sometimes, they watch what you do.

I grinned and told him I was just rolling loose change and that I didn't like doing it at home. He said his Dad didn't either and motioned to the bench outside where a guy probably about my age was sitting. I told him thanks for the offer but I was okay and he walked out to sit down with his Dad. I imagine Mom was inside shopping.

After I got my voucher I walked out to where he and his father were sitting and praised that boy up and down. I also praised the father for getting it right. Such a little thing but that's the kind of heart I want my kids to show. I don't care that someone else might do the wrong thing with what they give people, I want them to have that kind of heart where it is giving freely for love of another human being.

This is how I was raised and how I will raise mine. Kindness.

You all know what a blessing is. I don't care if you believe or you don't. I've been a quarter short before and had to put something back. I've been out of house for my own stupid actions and decisions before too. This kid wasn't judging. He saw someone he thought was in need and he acted. He was a blessing sent tonight not cause I needed the money but because I've had a bad day and someone knew that I needed that smile put on my face.

I wish we could all be like him.

After I got my few things I pulled a dollar out of my change to give him when I walked outside but just as mysteriously as he appeared, he was gone. He was probably out pulling someone from a burning building or stopping a bank robbery. Okay, maybe not. But I'm sure one day he will.

Heroes don't stick around for thanks.



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