I am wondering about a lot of things all the time, just like any other human being on the face of this planet. Something I've been pondering lately:
What happened to being a man?
I see a lot of sensitivity out there. I don't have a problem with that so much as the fact that I see a lot of guys on social media who act like junior high school girls. The constant "woe is me" of a person who has absolutely no command of their own place in life. And these aren't the guys who have gone through horrible divorces and had their hearts ripped out and their place in the lives of their children disrupted. That I am there for ya on. I couldn't imagine not being here with my family. That's a hell I never want to experience and work everyday to make sure I never have to.
These are guys that seem so emotionally weak that they shouldn't be able to function in society,much less hold down a job or exist outside of their parents basement apartment.
When I grew up being a man was just that. You took care of your responsibilities, you watched over your folk and yes, it's okay to cry, but at least be a man about it. I mean there are times that you have to be just what you are, human.
I don't even cry at funerals and neither does my mother. I think we've discussed this and figured out that anyone who has led a good life is something to celebrate not mourn. I would cry at the loss of a friend or a family member, I have. I am human. And I suppose we are all built differently. Some of us have experienced things that have caused our heart to become stony rather than embrace our softer feelings. Sometimes you have to do that to survive what you go through. It's either man up or give up. I chose and continue to choose the former.
Another thing I really have a problem with is those of you who think it's okay to tear down people in a public forum. Joking around with a friend is one thing, whether in real life or on social media, but to take someones personal life and talk about them like they are subhuman and to talk about their child in the same way is absolutely uncalled for. It's not only ungentlemanly, it's beneath us as human beings. I recently experienced this on social media and it made me sick to my stomach. It took away every bit of respect I had for the person who did it personally but also professionally. Sad thing is that I really enjoyed them professionally and thought highly of them. A badly placed word or post can really take away from you. It's hard to come back from that because when you rip down someone else I can't help but think what you say about me.
Men, real men, can bring their thoughts to you face to face. Or virtual face to virtual face as it is as I have more friends online than in real life. People I respect and value their opinions. We really strip away that evaluation of someone based on their appearance and really get down to what they are inside online, I think.
That's all my rambling for now.
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