Monday, October 8, 2012

Don't Chip Me Bro

By Henry Havoc

Steven Hernandez, concerned father of Andrea Hernandez, a student attempted to be tracked by RFID at John Jay High School in San Antonio, TX. Recently he revealed some inside information to SanAntonioTruth.Org, on suppression methods used by Northside Independent School District and it's Administrators.

Mr. Hernandez was off campus outside of his daughter’s high school, passing out fliers and asking for signatures of a petition against RFID tracking, when he came across a student reporter. The student proceeded to tell Mr. Hernandez of his recent attempt to write a story “sorta” about the RFID tracking for the high school newspaper. The student reporter was talked to by the John Jay High School Administration, in attempt to “squash” the story.

On September 26th the NISD administration suspended the student reporter because “they need to make it look like students support it”, according to Mr. Hernandez. “It is a big deal, they can’t suspend you for standing for your rights”, Mr. Hernandez proceeded to tell the student reporter. In the same interview conducted with Mr. Hernandez, he spoke of a female student that told him of her attempts to dispose of her RFID tracking device. She had thrown her RFID card into a bush over 15 miles away for the school, thinking that would solve her problem.

When the female student returned to school the following day, the assistant principal was waiting and told her “here’s your badge, where it around your neck”, according to Mr. Hernandez. “They made her take her badge back.”

SanAntonioTruth.Org reporters are waiting for a copy of the student reporter’s story that caused him to get suspended.

On the same day Andrea Hernandez was on campus away from her father she was cornered, surrounded, and threatened to stop handing out her anti-RFID flyers by John Jay High school administrators.

Andrea immediately attempted to call and notified her father of her situation but was denied and scolded.

According to Andrea it was on the same day as the high school’s open house and the administration was trying to quell any possibility of other parents being notified of the RFID badge concerns.

Andrea is being singled out for her religious beliefs and civil rights concerns. She is suffering consequences already like being denied activities in school such as voting for upcoming homecoming Queen. Soon enough she will be denied being lent out books from the library, eating lunch from the school cafeteria and all extracurricular activities if she does not be subordinate and wear the micro chip badge.

Andrea has been approached and presented alternatives by administration in attempts to make the RFID issue go way. She was offered a chip-less badge to wear around her neck if she stops informing other students of her concerns and “supports the program.”

Even under the threat of suspension, expulsion and fines the Hernandez’s have no plans of “selling out” there religious beliefs and convictions for personal freedoms.

For more information, ways to help and to donate please visit the following websites;


Henry Havoc

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