The Dad Part

The SAHD face.
I like to brag on stay at home Dads. I am one. We are not babysitters, we are not watching the kids until Mommy gets home, we are not out of work, it's not that we can't find a job (although to some those last two may be the case, but still doesn't take away from the fact that they do the job).

We have taken on the traditional role of Mom as well as Dad. And though trial and tribulation it is at times, we find it very rewarding.

I struggled with it at first. I knew what to do but my body didn't. You finally get into a learned reflex mode. Your body runs on autopilot and you get the job done. I love being home with my two, a 2 1/2 and a 7 year old. I think they are plotting to kill me at times. They rush around and keep secrets.

To be continued....

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